More About Working On Your Projects


This is the process we follow when we are asked to help with a client's project.
The starting point for any project is with the client. The client will contact us to tell us that they need help with a particular matter. This may be as simple as requesting advice on a very small data protection query or it may be the start of something more complex such as supporting a major tender or the negotiation of a major multi-national contract. 
If the client has made the initial contact by email, we will arrange a call with the client so that we can get as much information as possible about the project. Not only does this allow us to prepare a competitive quote for the legal work but it helps us to provide the best possible advice. Having been involved in many projects, we are well placed to use that experience to offer useful insights and alternative options which the client may not have initially considered.
After discussing the project, we will provide a capped quote for the initial work as well as a timescale for completing the work.
Once the quote has been approved, we will send the client a written confirmation of instructions providing information relevant to the project for the client's records. This is also the point where we start working on the project.
At completion of the initial work, we will typically arrange a call with the client to run through the work, whether to discuss the advice given or to explain points relating to the document we have drafted or reviewed. Remember, we do not charge for calls with clients.
At all times we encourage as much communication with the client as possible and we always keep the client updated on the progress of the work.
Sometimes the initial work is all that the client needs. At other times the project may require further legal support, for example in relation to contract negotiations following an initial draft. Some clients prefer to progress the initial work further in-house. The client is always in control of what legal work is done.
At some point the project will reach its conclusion. Typically this is when the advice has been given and the client has no further questions or when the contract has been agreed with the counterparty. When the project has concluded we will ask the client's permission to close the project on our system.
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